Looking for a job isn’t easy, especially if it’s your first after school or graduation. At times It can feel like you’re never going to take your first steps on to the career ladder, but maybe all you need is a little motivation.
The Ted organisation is famous for bringing together some of the most interesting and bright minds together for ‘talks’, on a variety of subjects. Some are so inspirational that they have been credited with changing people’s opinion and how they look at the world around them.
Next time you need a 15 minute break or are looking for some inspiration to keep chasing your dream career, check out these five talks – they could give you the motivation you need to keep applying and searching for a great job.
1. Why determination is so important
Inspired by teaching maths to children, Angela Lee Duckworth discovered one of the most important factors for success. And as it turns out it isn’t how intelligent you are or how much experience you have. It’s a great lesson in picking yourself up and trying again.
2. Find out the secrets to success in just three minutes
Speaking to some of the most inspiring minds and entrepreneurs of the last 50 years, Richard St John provides a quick and simple guide to achieving what you want. That doesn’t make it easy, but it’s nice to have a method.
3. Why looking at things differently helps
Sometimes all you hear is how saturated the job market is, and how difficult it is to find a job without any previous experience. But listening to all this negativity can have an adverse effect on your job search. Here’s how to look at things differently.
4. Will you have a good career, or a great one?
If you make excuses as to why you don’t have a good job or career, then this talk is for you. Larry Smith, an Economics Professor, uses a lot of laughs to deliver a really important message about finding a career that you love.
5. Could a 30 day challenge help your career prospects?
Setting goals are so important when looking for a new job. This Google computer engineer set himself some great one month challenges and applying his theory could change the way you search for your next job.
At Enterprise we realise that you’re so much more than what you studied at university, and that graduates are not defined by their grades. All those extra-curricular activities you’ve been involved in really matter.
Take a look at our competencies and find out if you’ve got what it takes to apply for a job at Enterprise.