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How to stay healthy in the workplace - 5 tips for a healthy heart

Running shoes set out by fruits and vegetables

Wear it. Beat It., The British Heart Foundation’s annual charity event will see people all over the country this Friday raising awareness and money to support the prevention and curing of heart disease. In this article, we share a few tips on how to stay fit and keep your heart healthy for the workplace.

Take the stairs

 This is an easy way to ensure you fit a little exercise in every day. Try and forgo the elevator or escalator at least twice a week when exiting the train station or going to your office. After a while, you’ll find it easier to include this in your work day and your fitness levels will increase without you even realizing.

Get out there

two people stretching before a run

In winter, it’s very tempting to huddle at the bus stop or jump in the car. But walking or cycling to work is a natural way to improve your fitness. It builds muscle tone in your legs, you’ll feel great from all the endorphins and if you set yourself a brisk pace you’ll quickly warm up.

Balance your meals

We all know that sugar is an enemy to our stomachs and teeth. But expert dieticians generally agree you should not totally deny yourself of sweet foods, especially when you’re facing a busy day at work. It’s equally as important not to under eat in the workplace – you’ll need the energy to keep you on-the-ball during presentations and meetings.

Feed your brain

Eating healthily can greatly improve your concentration at work. Recommended ‘brain foods’ include eggs, avocado, fish, blueberries and all kinds of whole grain products. Try keeping a selection of dried fruit, nuts and multigrain crackers in a drawer at your desk and discover the power of a healthy craving.

Schedule mini workouts

People in bright shirts enjoying a workout class

By exercising regularly, you’ll lower your risk of heart disease and decrease your chances and the effects of work-related stress. Exercise acts as an outlet for built-up tension and releases endorphins, the hormones that make you feel good. So not only do you get healthy – you get happy too.

Want more pro tips? You should be following us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook. There are some fantastic graduate opportunitiesinternships and jobs currently available – that’s a healthy life choice we recommend.

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